Pneu Tools RN-250 II Metal Joist Hanger Tool

1 1/2” – 2 1/2″ Metal Joist Hanger Tool – 34° Paper Tape Nails
  • Metal Front Exhaust
  • High Capacity Easy Load Magazine
  • Easy View Nail Point
  • Ergonomically Designed Aluminum Housing  with Comfortable Rubber Grip
  • Convenient Belt Hook
(1 customer review)

This particular PneuTools product requires 7-10 days to ship to our store. We then ship via UPS.

Please Call To Order: (541) 485-2800


The Pneu Tools RN-250 is the only Palm Nailer with a magazine in the market. With its Patented Design, it enables the user to Quickly and Efficiently work in Joist Hanger, Truss, Fencing, and Framing applications. With a Super-Compact Narrow Design, the RN-250 will get into those Tight Spots that your other, bulkier Positive Placement Guns can’t reach.
With a High Capacity, Easy-Load Compact Magazine, you can operate Quickly & Effortlessly and not fumble with a hammer, or bulk nails in those tight places. The Pneu Tools RN-250 II uses 34° Degree 1½” – 2½” Positive Placement Nails, with a Shank of .131-.148, and a Head Diameter of .287. It has a Convenient Belt Hook, and an Easy View, Nail Point Installation Nose, so no clumsy probe is needed.
APPLICATIONS: Joist Hangers, Truss Installation, Fencing, Frame Installation
Model: RN-250 II
Length: 12″
Width: 4.7″
Height: 14″
Weight: 5.7 lbs.
Operating Pressure: 80 – 120 psi
Fastener Capacity: 25
Nail Dimensions:
34 Degree Paper Tape Nails
1 1/2” – 2 1/2″ Nails
Nail Shank .131 – .148
Head Diameter .287
All products sold by A.N.CO. Fastener Sales are backed by the full manufacturer’s warranty.
Since they frequently change, we do not provide direct links to Warranties, Manuals, Parts Diagrams, Spec Sheets, etc. This information is best obtained directly from the manufacturer’s website or via a Google search.
Our Parts & Service Department is staffed by experts in all product lines that we carry. Contact our them by phone at 541-485-2800 or via email or our contact form.