BeA Tools


ANCO Fastener Sales is a full-line dealer of BeA tools and fasteners. We are also a BeA tools repair and service center.   We specialize in the fine wire family of BeA products. Applications for these items include lumber tagging, and the BeA 80 wire.

BeA Tools


Call For Bulk Pricing: (541) 485-2800

BeA Tools Product Information


Furniture Manufacturing, Pallet And Crating, Corrugated Box Closing, Construction Applications, Automated Fastening Systems, All Other Wood-To-Wood Stapling And Nailing Applications.

Over 100 Years of Innovation

The company Jon. Friedrich Behrens AG (BeA) was founded in 1910. In more than 100 years of its existence, it has developed into a global group with a total turnover of over 85 million euros, achieving market leadership throughout Europe in the fastening technology field.
ANCO is proud to carry BeA’s line of tools.  They are characterized by their top quality and reliability.  In order to maintain these high standards in the future, BeA is constantly optimizing and expanding their product range. By using innovative technologies, BeA sets the standard in fastening technology.

Contact Us

We welcome your inquiries and respond promptly during our business hours of 8am to 5pm PST, Monday through Friday.
  • For special or bulk orders
  • Product compatibility advice
  • Stock/special order lead times
  • General questions
Phone: (541) 485-2800
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